For about 9 months now I have been
on the hunt for a house...
not for my family but for me :)
My mom i so incredible and has bought a house
for me and some friends (who will pay rent) to live in...
we went through losing a house 3 times..
which is sooo frustrating..
you get your heart set on a house, you start imagining
what you are going to do to it, and where certain
pictures will go and then BAM its under contract
and your hopes and dreams are gone!
But my mom smart and wise as she is,
always told me;
"That just means something better will come along!"
well that something better might have just came....
We found a house so extremely close to the U its crazy!!
Ummm no looking for parking for my roommates and I...
all the other houses we were wanting were around 2,300 sq ft.
dont worry this one is 3,262 :)
with the mother in law, (which i will rent out
to either my step brother, cousin, or brother in one year...)
including that area there is 7 BEDROOMS AND 4 BATHROOMS
that amount is INSANE for a salt lake home
and the best part... it was the same cost as the other we wanted...
The house is super outdated and need some MAJOR TLC,
but what could honestly be more fun then being able to
completely turn this home into my own...
So we've put and offer on the house and it was accepted,
now we just need to send in an inspection agent
to make sure the are no hidden MAJOR faults
like mold, termites, other bad things that destroy homes and you'd never know
and then IT IS MINE!!!
so here a glimpse... more to come as the house progresses, slash
is for sure mine, with the key in my hand!!
The Location on a Map.. yes all that tan area is the U
the cute outside..
and the kitchen that will be magnificent thanks to Mountain Land Design :)
I let everyone know once inspections has passed!
Wish me Luck!!!